Swimmers Clinic Safeguarding Policy
Introduction At Swimmers Clinic, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of everyone who participates in our activities. We strive to create a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all swimmers, coaches, volunteers, and families. This policy outlines our responsibilities in compliance with relevant legislation and guidance and ensures that concerns are responded to effectively and appropriately.
Young swimmers and adults engage with Swimmers Clinic in various ways, including training sessions, competitions, and community events. It is our duty to ensure that all participants feel safe, respected, and supported at all times. We are dedicated to maintaining a culture of protection, trust, and transparency in everything we do.
This policy applies to all staff, coaches, volunteers, and any individuals working with or on behalf of Swimmers Clinic. Everyone involved in our activities must be aware of this policy and understand their role in safeguarding swimmers.
This policy will be introduced at induction and will be reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with safeguarding best practices.
Equality & Diversity
Swimmers Clinic is committed to ensuring the welfare of all individuals involved in our activities, regardless of age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other factor. We believe every swimmer has the right to feel safe and be protected from any form of harm or abuse.
Legislation and Guidance
This policy is underpinned by key laws and statutory guidance, including:
- The Human Rights Act 1998
- Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR)
- Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015
- Sexual Offences Act 2003
- Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003
- Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Domestic Abuse Act 2021
- Children Acts 1989 & 2004
- Care Act 2014
- Working Together to Safeguard Children (2023)
- Swim England/Child Protection in Sport Unit Standards
Policies & Procedures to Prevent Harm
To ensure safeguarding measures are upheld, Swimmers Clinic implements the following policies and procedures:
- Recruitment and Selection Policy (including background checks for staff and volunteers)
- Code of Conduct for Coaches and Staff
- Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
- Data Protection Policy
- Safeguarding Procedures for Training & Events
- Photography and Social Media Guidelines
- Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for Lost or Found Children
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Equality and Diversity Policy
Our Commitment to Safeguarding
Swimmers Clinic is committed to:
- Ensuring the safety and welfare of all children and adults who participate in our training and events.
- Providing equal protection to all individuals, regardless of background or
- Taking all allegations and suspicions of harm seriously and responding swiftly and
- Collaborating with external safeguarding agencies, sharing information when required, and involving parents/carers when necessary.
- Ensuring all staff and volunteers adhere to the Code of Conduct and undergo appropriate training.
- Providing ongoing safeguarding training and supervision to ensure staff can identify and respond to safeguarding concerns appropriately.
- Supporting staff and volunteers through training and, where necessary, counselling
- Upholding high professional standards that build confidence and trust among swimmers and families.
- Regularly reviewing and updating our safeguarding practices to reflect best practices and lessons learned.
- Appointing Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs) to oversee policy implementation and provide support where needed.
- Ensuring all hiring organisations, clubs, and partners comply with basic safeguarding
Reporting Concerns
If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding at Swimmers Clinic, please contact our
Designated Safeguarding Officer immediately.
Contact Details:
Safeguarding Officer: Welfareofficer@Willesdenrapids.com
Email: swimmersclinic@gmail.com
This policy is reviewed annually or earlier if necessary to reflect legal or procedural changes.
Approved on behalf of Swimmers Clinic: Document last reviewed: 31st January 2025